Saturday, March 8, 2008

Do We LOVE Blizzards? (I'm not talking Dairy Queen!)

Above are pics of the "blizzard warning" we have been experiencing since last night. I took these at 4:00 p.m. and the snow has finally stopped. The news said it would end around this time, but who knew they could actually be right?! Now for the hard part...digging out of this mess. As you can see, our street has not been plowed yet. When I was trying to take pictures, I stepped into a snow drift and didn't realize it would hit above me knees! Yes, it was cold!

What have we been doing today? Well, nothing! Ken has been working on taxes all day (I got up at 7 to feed the dogs and he was slaving away). I washed some towels, made some chili, and goofed off around here. So much for adventure. Jared (poor guy) has been braving this with us. I am itching to get out (as I am sure he is), but that is a no go. I am hoping we can at least travel down the road tomorrow! ha.

Now the big question is if we will have school on Monday. From the looks of things, I am guessing "NO" since the temps will not get above freezing until Tuesday.

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